1. The Committee is elected at each AGM meeting.
2. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any team or individual for any reason they consider being harmful or injurious to the league or any other member of the league.
3. Only fully paid up members can enter any competition organized by the league.
4. a) Any team or Players who are expelled from the league will forfeit all the moneys they have paid for that season also offending teams or players will lose all rights for any trophies and cash won by the team. Also, offending teams will have all legs appertaining to guilty parties deducted from the matches. E.G. if a team wins and a player/s from the winning team causes any trouble then his/her team will have a leg/s deducted. b) All teams or players expelled from this league will also be banned from playing in other leagues in the area as agreed with other leagues.
5. One representative from each team must attend all league meetings called. The same person may not represent both A and B teams from the same pub or club.
6. Teams not attending meetings will be fined £10.00 per team for each meeting missed. If the Captain or Vice Captain cannot attend then a member of the team must attend in their place.
7. All members will try to play by the rules of the league always.
8. All League matches must be played on the dates given. No re-arranging of any League matches. Any team not able to play on the date given will forfeit the match and a 7-0 result given to the opposing team. There will also be a fine if the opposing team is not notified prior to match day (see Rule 9.). Individual ends may be arranged and played BEFORE the date given on the agreement of both captains.
9. If a team fails to turn up for a league match, the offending team will be fined £15.00, (£5.00 of which will be given to the opposing team for the cost of the sandwiches).
10. a) All trophies that belong to the league must be returned to the league in the same condition that they were presented. If they are not returned the player or team who won the trophy for the pub or club will be held responsible for them and the possible replacement charged to them. Teams will also be charged for cleaning, repairs etc., where applicable. b) Annual trophies won by teams or players from the previous season who do not re-register with the league will be reclaimed.
11. Any player found causing willful damage to any equipment, or to the licensed premises, or found to bring disrepute to the league by fighting or using threatening behavior etc., will be fined, suspended, and possibly expelled from the league (see rule 4a).
12. The home team is responsible for the payment of all team games.
13. Two referees will officiate at all games, one from each side. If one side disagrees with the appointment of the opposing team referee, then they can ask for another person to referee that game. In case of a dispute between the two referees, a re-rack will take place. The league has the power to appoint a neutral referee for any games they so desire.
14. All pool tables must be supplied with a rest and adequate lighting over the table. Failure to provide a rest will result in a £10.00 fine if reported to the committee. Tables must also be in a good playable condition on match nights, if a you arrive at a venue and you feel that the table in not fit to play on, report it to the League before your game and the closest available neutral venue will be allocated for that night, and this will also result in a £10.00 fine for the home team involved.
15. The away team may request the juke box and gambling machines to be turned off during play, but the final decision rests with the landlord of the pub or club.
16. The league is open to all age groups with no restrictions. The acceptance of people under the legal age is at the landlord's discretion. 17. Teams that do not put on any food are not permitted to take round a card/raffle. TEAMS DROPPING OUT OF THE LEAGUE
18. If any team drops out the league: - a) If during the first half off the league the results will be altered to 0-0 for the whole of the League Season. b) If after the first half has finished - results will be altered from the second half only to read 0-0. c) Any players still involved in any competitions when a team has dropped out of the league (at any time) will also be excluded from those competitions. d) Once a team has dropped out of the league, the players from that team are free to sign for another team.
19. All protests must be in writing to the League Secretary (Address on match cards) and received by the following Monday. Any decisions will be made by the Committee and will be final. Any protest that may involve a committee member will be put to a captains vote if necessary, the committee member will have no input on the decision.
20. In all league matches & team competitions the players must sign the match card. Once a match card has been filled in, there will be no alterations except with full agreement of both captains. Winning teams are responsible for taking a photo of the Match Card and sending it to the League Secretary (Lee Worth 07941 289147) via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Text on the night of the match. The league table will be updated on a weekly basis on the website (www.sgpl.co.uk).
21. a) The first three names must be on the card by 8.30pm and the remaining names by 9.00pm. Failure to do so will result in the number of names not on the card = number of games lost. (All teams are within there rights to standby this rule, but may also choose to be more lenient.) b) If a team is late arriving, although three names are on the card, the first named player will be called to the table, if he/she is not present then the opposing player can claim that game. Every 10 minutes after that the same procedure must take place (i.e. the second name will be called to the table) the team present can then claim a game every 10 minutes if the named player is not present. The first game 8.30, second game 8.40, third game 8.50, fourth game 9.00. If a team has not arrived by 9.01 then the opposing team may claim the match (all players who's names are on the card from this claimed game will have the win credited to their averages total). c) There is no time limit on a game, if a match does run late, it will be at the landlord's discretion as to whether the game continues. However, if the landlord does not allow the match to continue then all the remaining frames must be played by the following Sunday lunch time and the Secretary notified about what has happened.
22. a) Each new team is to be registered at a cost of £20.00 to be paid immediately. Existing teams guarantee fee will remain at £20.00, which will be returned at the end of the season should that team no longer wish to play in the league. Fees not claimed by the start of a new season will be lost. b) League/ Competition fees are £235.00 for the year (plus new team registration if applicable, see 22 a).
23. a). All fees must be paid by monthly installments of £50.00 minimum. Any team failing to pay all league fees by the start of the second half of the season will be deducted two points per month until league fees are paid up. c) All league fees/fines are the responsibility of the whole team and NOT THE INDIVIDUAL.
24. Any team failing to pay all fees and fines by the end of the season will be banned from playing in the league until all monies have been paid. (This includes all signed players and not just the venue.)
24. a) Teams can sign new players at any time during the season, at a cost of £2 per player and are deemed to be signed when the League Secretary receives the first match card with the players name / signature on. (i.e. they can be signed on a match night without informing the League.) b) A team wishing to sign a thirteenth player MUST first inform the League Secretary of the player he wishes to cross off his team. (A crossed off player may not be re-signed during that season.) c) Players cannot transfer from one team to another during the season unless the original team has dropped out (Rule 18d).
25. The player averages winner will be determined by the player/players who WINS the most games over the season (loses are not taken into account). If more than one player finishes on the most wins then there will be a play-off to determine the Averages Winner for the season.
26. a) All players entering any competitions must be named on the competition entry form handed out at the AGM. Named players are FIXED in competition teams at the time of the draw. A player that is named in a competition team can only play in that team and if that team drops out (even before playing) then the players named in that team are out of that competition for the rest of the season.
b) All competition dates will be given out with the league fixtures at the start of the season on a year planner. (The Committee reserves the right to amend dates at any time if required.)
c) The home team is responsible for payment of all team competitions. Singles, doubles and three a-side competitions are shared between participating players.
d) Teams wishing to re-arrange competition matches, must give at least seven days notice to both the opposing team and the League Secretary (Lee Worth), the teams involved then have seven days to agree an alternative date and inform the League Secretary. In the event of a date not being agreed, the Committee will then decide if either:- i) One team goes through to the next round (and which team that is). ii) The teams are given an alternative date to play the match (final chance) iii) Both teams knocked out of the Competition. This decision will be made on the reasons given by both teams for the game not being played and the committees’ decision will be final. All competitions must be played by the deadline dates given out with the competition fixtures unless an alternative date has been allocated by the Committee (Rule 26d). Teams / Players failing to play by the deadline will be disqualified from that competition. Competitions may be claimed on the deadline date by telephoning Lee Worth (07941 289147).
e) Any player who is named to play in any competition is then signed to play for that team for the season and must play at least one league game during the season.
f) Any teams or players who do not turn up for any competition without notifying the opposing team captain or player by 6pm on the night of the match, will be given a £5 fine PER PLAYER (i.e. a trebles team will receive a £15 fine). If you cannot get in touch with the opposing team captain then you must notify the League Secretary (Lee Worth) before 6pm as a last resort.
g) Players must be ready to play at 8.30pm for all competitions (see rule 21.)
h) If the player named on the card is not ready to play when called to, then the opposing team may claim that end.
i) Singles and Doubles semi-finals are to be ‘best of five’ and the finals are to be 'best of seven'.
j) Three a-side matches are all 'best or nine', match cards with playing order will be given out at the start of the season.
k) The team captain is responsible for TEXTING all competition results to the League Secretary (Lee Worth) within seven days of the competition match, and posting match cards. Any results not received within seven days may result in players / teams being knocked out of the competitions.
1. The Committee is elected at each AGM meeting.
2. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any team or individual for any reason they consider being harmful or injurious to the league or any other member of the league.
3. Only fully paid up members can enter any competition organized by the league.
4. a) Any team or Players who are expelled from the league will forfeit all the moneys they have paid for that season also offending teams or players will lose all rights for any trophies and cash won by the team. Also, offending teams will have all legs appertaining to guilty parties deducted from the matches. E.G. if a team wins and a player/s from the winning team causes any trouble then his/her team will have a leg/s deducted. b) All teams or players expelled from this league will also be banned from playing in other leagues in the area as agreed with other leagues.
5. One representative from each team must attend all league meetings called. The same person may not represent both A and B teams from the same pub or club.
6. Teams not attending meetings will be fined £10.00 per team for each meeting missed. If the Captain or Vice Captain cannot attend then a member of the team must attend in their place.
7. All members will try to play by the rules of the league always.
8. All League matches must be played on the dates given. No re-arranging of any League matches. Any team not able to play on the date given will forfeit the match and a 7-0 result given to the opposing team. There will also be a fine if the opposing team is not notified prior to match day (see Rule 9.). Individual ends may be arranged and played BEFORE the date given on the agreement of both captains.
9. If a team fails to turn up for a league match, the offending team will be fined £15.00, (£5.00 of which will be given to the opposing team for the cost of the sandwiches).
10. a) All trophies that belong to the league must be returned to the league in the same condition that they were presented. If they are not returned the player or team who won the trophy for the pub or club will be held responsible for them and the possible replacement charged to them. Teams will also be charged for cleaning, repairs etc., where applicable. b) Annual trophies won by teams or players from the previous season who do not re-register with the league will be reclaimed.
11. Any player found causing willful damage to any equipment, or to the licensed premises, or found to bring disrepute to the league by fighting or using threatening behavior etc., will be fined, suspended, and possibly expelled from the league (see rule 4a).
12. The home team is responsible for the payment of all team games.
13. Two referees will officiate at all games, one from each side. If one side disagrees with the appointment of the opposing team referee, then they can ask for another person to referee that game. In case of a dispute between the two referees, a re-rack will take place. The league has the power to appoint a neutral referee for any games they so desire.
14. All pool tables must be supplied with a rest and adequate lighting over the table. Failure to provide a rest will result in a £10.00 fine if reported to the committee. Tables must also be in a good playable condition on match nights, if a you arrive at a venue and you feel that the table in not fit to play on, report it to the League before your game and the closest available neutral venue will be allocated for that night, and this will also result in a £10.00 fine for the home team involved.
15. The away team may request the juke box and gambling machines to be turned off during play, but the final decision rests with the landlord of the pub or club.
16. The league is open to all age groups with no restrictions. The acceptance of people under the legal age is at the landlord's discretion. 17. Teams that do not put on any food are not permitted to take round a card/raffle. TEAMS DROPPING OUT OF THE LEAGUE
18. If any team drops out the league: - a) If during the first half off the league the results will be altered to 0-0 for the whole of the League Season. b) If after the first half has finished - results will be altered from the second half only to read 0-0. c) Any players still involved in any competitions when a team has dropped out of the league (at any time) will also be excluded from those competitions. d) Once a team has dropped out of the league, the players from that team are free to sign for another team.
19. All protests must be in writing to the League Secretary (Address on match cards) and received by the following Monday. Any decisions will be made by the Committee and will be final. Any protest that may involve a committee member will be put to a captains vote if necessary, the committee member will have no input on the decision.
20. In all league matches & team competitions the players must sign the match card. Once a match card has been filled in, there will be no alterations except with full agreement of both captains. Winning teams are responsible for taking a photo of the Match Card and sending it to the League Secretary (Lee Worth 07941 289147) via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Text on the night of the match. The league table will be updated on a weekly basis on the website (www.sgpl.co.uk).
21. a) The first three names must be on the card by 8.30pm and the remaining names by 9.00pm. Failure to do so will result in the number of names not on the card = number of games lost. (All teams are within there rights to standby this rule, but may also choose to be more lenient.) b) If a team is late arriving, although three names are on the card, the first named player will be called to the table, if he/she is not present then the opposing player can claim that game. Every 10 minutes after that the same procedure must take place (i.e. the second name will be called to the table) the team present can then claim a game every 10 minutes if the named player is not present. The first game 8.30, second game 8.40, third game 8.50, fourth game 9.00. If a team has not arrived by 9.01 then the opposing team may claim the match (all players who's names are on the card from this claimed game will have the win credited to their averages total). c) There is no time limit on a game, if a match does run late, it will be at the landlord's discretion as to whether the game continues. However, if the landlord does not allow the match to continue then all the remaining frames must be played by the following Sunday lunch time and the Secretary notified about what has happened.
22. a) Each new team is to be registered at a cost of £20.00 to be paid immediately. Existing teams guarantee fee will remain at £20.00, which will be returned at the end of the season should that team no longer wish to play in the league. Fees not claimed by the start of a new season will be lost. b) League/ Competition fees are £235.00 for the year (plus new team registration if applicable, see 22 a).
23. a). All fees must be paid by monthly installments of £50.00 minimum. Any team failing to pay all league fees by the start of the second half of the season will be deducted two points per month until league fees are paid up. c) All league fees/fines are the responsibility of the whole team and NOT THE INDIVIDUAL.
24. Any team failing to pay all fees and fines by the end of the season will be banned from playing in the league until all monies have been paid. (This includes all signed players and not just the venue.)
24. a) Teams can sign new players at any time during the season, at a cost of £2 per player and are deemed to be signed when the League Secretary receives the first match card with the players name / signature on. (i.e. they can be signed on a match night without informing the League.) b) A team wishing to sign a thirteenth player MUST first inform the League Secretary of the player he wishes to cross off his team. (A crossed off player may not be re-signed during that season.) c) Players cannot transfer from one team to another during the season unless the original team has dropped out (Rule 18d).
25. The player averages winner will be determined by the player/players who WINS the most games over the season (loses are not taken into account). If more than one player finishes on the most wins then there will be a play-off to determine the Averages Winner for the season.
26. a) All players entering any competitions must be named on the competition entry form handed out at the AGM. Named players are FIXED in competition teams at the time of the draw. A player that is named in a competition team can only play in that team and if that team drops out (even before playing) then the players named in that team are out of that competition for the rest of the season.
b) All competition dates will be given out with the league fixtures at the start of the season on a year planner. (The Committee reserves the right to amend dates at any time if required.)
c) The home team is responsible for payment of all team competitions. Singles, doubles and three a-side competitions are shared between participating players.
d) Teams wishing to re-arrange competition matches, must give at least seven days notice to both the opposing team and the League Secretary (Lee Worth), the teams involved then have seven days to agree an alternative date and inform the League Secretary. In the event of a date not being agreed, the Committee will then decide if either:- i) One team goes through to the next round (and which team that is). ii) The teams are given an alternative date to play the match (final chance) iii) Both teams knocked out of the Competition. This decision will be made on the reasons given by both teams for the game not being played and the committees’ decision will be final. All competitions must be played by the deadline dates given out with the competition fixtures unless an alternative date has been allocated by the Committee (Rule 26d). Teams / Players failing to play by the deadline will be disqualified from that competition. Competitions may be claimed on the deadline date by telephoning Lee Worth (07941 289147).
e) Any player who is named to play in any competition is then signed to play for that team for the season and must play at least one league game during the season.
f) Any teams or players who do not turn up for any competition without notifying the opposing team captain or player by 6pm on the night of the match, will be given a £5 fine PER PLAYER (i.e. a trebles team will receive a £15 fine). If you cannot get in touch with the opposing team captain then you must notify the League Secretary (Lee Worth) before 6pm as a last resort.
g) Players must be ready to play at 8.30pm for all competitions (see rule 21.)
h) If the player named on the card is not ready to play when called to, then the opposing team may claim that end.
i) Singles and Doubles semi-finals are to be ‘best of five’ and the finals are to be 'best of seven'.
j) Three a-side matches are all 'best or nine', match cards with playing order will be given out at the start of the season.
k) The team captain is responsible for TEXTING all competition results to the League Secretary (Lee Worth) within seven days of the competition match, and posting match cards. Any results not received within seven days may result in players / teams being knocked out of the competitions.